Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Entry 1


This is a link to a video that goes over how emotions are processed in the brain. It also explained the different hormones activated by the brain when the emotions are processed. This release of hormones are the  origin of body language, as they affect the muscles and subconscious neural processes.

How this relates to the study subject is really quite fundamental, being able to directly relate social actions to chemical processes is the base of the whole thing after all.

Why this is an interesting topic is because I want to learn why people choose to do the actions they do and how much their choices are influenced by chemical reactions in the brain. Knowing this can help better understand social interactions, and may or may not provide an outlet to make people act how other people want by simulating these reactions.

1 comment:

  1. I like the honesty in your blog. This video was really interesting and so is your topic! There's a guy on youtube called Vsauce that posts really interesting videos and I feel like he would have something about emotions and why people act the way they do such as fear and stuff. Keep up your awesome work!!
