Tuesday, November 25, 2014


So when it comes to this project, the things I'm thankful for are just a bit less important than out of the project. If we're talking about what's been useful, obviously the internet and computers. They're really a big help, even if they can be supremely annoying. Of course those are both extremely broad topics that are inclusive of many wonderful things. Nonetheless, there it is. Apologies if this is a little too short, I am not in a good mood at all, and it seems to be clouding my judgement a bit.

Maybe these will help:

And since this is going to be a thing pretty soon, might as well add some more while we're at it.

Now I have to add another one so that there's no idea that I'm obsessed with these things, so here you go:

Yeah, cats... cats are a different story. Nobody can top the dancing cats.

It's time to wrap this up, but I'd like to address a probable question

Just who is Wissenwurst?

Much like the amount of licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop, the world may never know.

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