Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Semester 2, post 1

So the past few months...

Pretty much sums it up. Instead of working on this project like a good little student I either:

A.)  or

B.) Did other stuff

So now that I'm back, I have a lot of work to do. The only issue is:

Still, I'll get to it. I at least know what it is I need to do.

Step 1: Gather, organize, and store research

Step 2: Get a domain and webpage

Step 3: Put stuff into that newly christened webpage

Step 4:

Step 5:


  1. Your use of the gif is masterful.
    I can feel my brain absorbing the knowledge already.
    My brain is feeling the knowledge of the brain filling it to maximum capacity.
    I feel that I have grown as a human
    I feel the need to. . .
    Party Hard

  2. I've been really interested in your project from the beginning since psychology and the whole emotion science is interesting to me. I can't wait to see your research. Hopefully you get something up soon!

  3. Keep on track with your project. With everything you are working on and the topic you are doing, it should be very interesting. The workings of the mind in situations has always intrigued me. Just make sure to not use too many large words to expand your audience!
