Tuesday, November 25, 2014


So when it comes to this project, the things I'm thankful for are just a bit less important than out of the project. If we're talking about what's been useful, obviously the internet and computers. They're really a big help, even if they can be supremely annoying. Of course those are both extremely broad topics that are inclusive of many wonderful things. Nonetheless, there it is. Apologies if this is a little too short, I am not in a good mood at all, and it seems to be clouding my judgement a bit.

Maybe these will help:

And since this is going to be a thing pretty soon, might as well add some more while we're at it.

Now I have to add another one so that there's no idea that I'm obsessed with these things, so here you go:

Yeah, cats... cats are a different story. Nobody can top the dancing cats.

It's time to wrap this up, but I'd like to address a probable question

Just who is Wissenwurst?

Much like the amount of licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop, the world may never know.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Next three steps

So the next things to do is research, research, research.

But seriously, there's a lot to learn. At least there's a clear-ish goal to work towards now. I decided to create a website where people can anonymously post some problems they are having, and the community will attempt to answer them using the information in the information section of the website. So what the idea is to have long descriptions of each chemical I research in the website so that people can learn what each one can do. Then have those descriptions give some insight as to why people feel the way they do, and when they can expect things to wear off.

So step 1: research
Step 2: create the website
Step 3: Get the word out

So easy...

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Obviously the issue is with finding an end goal, which came as no surprise. What also came as no surprise was how little anybody understood it. I still don't know where I'm going with this, so I guess I'll just have to find that out. Oh, well.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Post 3

Quite frankly, I learned nothing from the York videos. Neither were they inspiring or entertaining. What I did get from it was that people have greatly differing interests, which was already painfully obvious, so really nothing. Nobody interviewed did anything close to what I am doing, which doesn't bother me.

There are multiple experts in the field of neuroscience, but really so little is known that I couldn't just focus on one and get a likable amount of information.

Entry 1


This is a link to a video that goes over how emotions are processed in the brain. It also explained the different hormones activated by the brain when the emotions are processed. This release of hormones are the  origin of body language, as they affect the muscles and subconscious neural processes.

How this relates to the study subject is really quite fundamental, being able to directly relate social actions to chemical processes is the base of the whole thing after all.

Why this is an interesting topic is because I want to learn why people choose to do the actions they do and how much their choices are influenced by chemical reactions in the brain. Knowing this can help better understand social interactions, and may or may not provide an outlet to make people act how other people want by simulating these reactions.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Post 2

From the peer topic reviews, I learned very little. All that was contributed to the subject was concerns for complications really, which are of a somewhat helpful nature, yes, but nothing was actually learned from them since their concerns were already mine.

That said, the complications will be practical testing and not just theories and research. Sure, but what exactly am I researching? In a single sentence, I want to figure out how the chemicals in the brain influence choices people make. The end result I wish to get is quite simple, I want to understand people better and know why they do the things they do. So, although it would be nice to see some practical tests, it is merely a research topic, not a project that will yield tangible results.