Tuesday, February 24, 2015


So far, I still have not gotten back to the point I was at before my computer rebelled and killed a lot of my data. That said, I should be able to get some work done next week after my other projects are done. Or maybe not, stuff doesn't usually go as planned...

Unless you happen to be the A-team. Or the re-make A-team. But since I've done the work before, what could go wrong?

I'm sure I'll find a way to mess it up. Better news being that my sources that I thought were spared by the great computer uprising were actually horribly murdered, so yeah. I'll have to go find those again.


Alright, no more looming projects to worry about and I still didn't do anything on this yet!
This week for sure, though, I don't have much in the way of  getting work done. I should be able to get back and get my sources and start working on that webpage again. But first, some motivation from Mr. Horatio:

(I guess it was... super effective)

Getting the sources back might not be as hard as it sounds, or it might be, but there is a ton of stuff out there that can replace it anyways. The only part that would be bad is if I mixed the information with stuff from sites I didn't find:

That would be bad.

I'll cut this off before it gets too long, but rest assured-

And with work actually done next time.

1 comment:

  1. Your update has brought me much joy as ever (ԾεԾ|||)
    Continue your work kohai, and one day you may figure out the reason that senpais are unable to notice people.
    I have faith in your abilities. Overcome obstacles. Flip tables. I will be here to help.

    (ノಠ ∩ಠ)ノ彡 ┻━┻
